Thursday, April 12, 2018

Self-help Ebooks by Filipino Author Now Available

A Filipino writer has launched three ebooks on self-help and writing. The books include About Writing, A Child of the Universe, and Uncommon Sense. These books document the author's journey toward self-improvement. Included are lessons and insights that he has gained to become a better person and a better writer. Learn how to empower yourself, do things in a more practical way, and be good at writing.

About Writing

This book contains articles on writing that the author has written over the years. The articles provide insights, lessons, and advice on how to become better at writing. Tips on how to quickly and painlessly write an essay, avoiding the writer's block, outlining, writing for the web, and writing translation friendly articles are given. The mental process that goes on while writing is also discussed. More Information.

A Child of the Universe

The theme of this book is self-empowerment. It contains mental and behavioral techniques for improving self-image and positive ways of relating with other people. It includes life stories and empowering poems designed to help you become a better and well-adjusted person. It maintains that we must show others how we wish to be treated and that is always with respect. The author admonishes us not to tolerate abuse by others around us. More Information.

Uncommon Sense

Know the practical ways of doing things not only physically but also on the mental and behavioral spheres. This book presents the intelligent approach to doing things in all aspects of life. Making ourselves better starts in the brain by reinventing our mindset so we can face the challenges of modern-day life. Then we transform our relationships into a more acceptable one. Finally were-examine the way we do physical things and look for better ways of doing them. How we should handle our financial affairs is also touched upon. More Information.

About the Author

The author writes from Manila, Philippines. He studied journalism, public administration, and information technology.